
I am retired and take educated guesses on all things financial.

December 13, 2006

December 14, 2006: Delta IV and an investment observation

This Delta IV rocket launched an important payload very recently from Vandenburg AFB in California.

Today, I had the opportunity to speak with a journalist about creating one's own hedge fund and some peripheral investment concepts.I am an amateur, not a professional, and approached the interview from that perspective.

With all of the information available at the fingertips of today's investor, I am sure that we have more data and sources than Sir John Templeton had when he began his marvelous international investing journey career decades ago.A pitfall, having so much information, is that we become over confident in our abilities to make correct investment decisions. Most of us cannot do that with money we have saved over the years and can ill afford to loose.

Over the past months this blog has been up and running, I have had the privilege of communicating with a variety of interesting individuals from several countries and across the U.S., almost always via e-mail. Exchanging insights and sharing a few humorous moments has been worth every second I have been churning out my thoughts in these posts. One communicant loves to point out my mediocre writing skills...and I learned a long time ago not to debate the truth. Another responder asks detailed followup questions on many stocks and funds which are often times beyond my tolerance level of time/research....but he/she takes time to write, so I try to head them off in the right direction.

Importantly, we bloggers and "lurkers" perform a service for each other. We encourage each other to think, and to respect (almost)all other points of view.

Reflecting after the interview, keeping each other informed with ideas and resources
is a good thing. Treating respectfully other viewpoints is therapeutic for all.