
I am retired and take educated guesses on all things financial.

January 25, 2010

January 26, 2010:Thoughts On D.C., China and Investing

Sometimes it is useful to get away from routine. Since I am at a stage in life where I can kiss any routine goodbye, I know it is easier for me than others. Still, I do recall relishing outlets during my years of steady work endeavors, perhaps more so than today.

I returned from a useful and exhilarating trip to Washington, D.C. Five days of observation, touring, culture and culinary excess overcame the cold weather and sometimes biting rain.

Perhaps my most interesting conversation was a chance encounter with a thirty-something portfolio manager on business from Seattle. We were both scheduled for a Senator-scheduled tour of the White House at the same time, so we had almost two hours to exchange pleasantries and thoughts. Our conversation, of course, centered on investment strategy, the political challenges of the time in which we live and possible solutions. She was an admitted Libertarian, which was no issue for me to contest. She told me that she has to keep up with the committee hearings and political winds in Washington to validate her investment instincts and protect her clients, worldwide. I respect that, as so many money managers hibernate in their home or office with the triple screen computer, dependent on old news to formulate an investment strategy. No, not this pro - she was in the thick of things! I never ask an investment pro for inside picks, but it was evident we shared a smilier investment philosophy and love of "the game". She is well known in the investment community, having worked previously at Merrill Lynch and Salomon, but will be a nameless Seattle money honey for this post.

Outside of some personal business there, three things impressed me: the mammoth Right To Life march (what a wonderful, huge, polite and sincere army for good), the fantastic tapas at Veracan, a Spanish restaurant near the Verizon Center (the paella, seafood, sangria, steak, wonderfully prepared veggies, Spanish olives couples with fresh breads and fresh infused olive oil dips - the best) and the Pentagon, where the professionalism of everyone protecting our country is quietly and superbly crafted.

I received many e-mails regarding a post I did on China's industrial and other cyber warfare espionage - several very supportive from from Taiwan and Japan. It appears as though I "hit" on something, as my own computer was a victim of an attempted series of hacks that were identified as coming from Asia the day after I posted.
I stand by my post on the seriousness of China's grand plan of conquest using our technology against us.

And don't forget GLDD -- this little dredging company is picking up contracts along our coasts left and right. I now own stock in the company at a cost basis of $6.21.