
I am retired and take educated guesses on all things financial.

October 09, 2007

October 9, 2007: Aero defense and commercial aviation and, where is the mainstream media on Iraq now that we are winning

Pictures: On the offensive in Western Iraq and the new US Sniper rifle that is killing the bad guys in droves using pre-placed arms caches as bait for the enemy to try and steal.

Here is a summary of recent significant activity in the sector:

The Senate approved the DOD appropriations bill of $463b. A veto is likely due to Democrat efforts to backdoor social engineering schemes into the defense bill.

General Dynamics is the big winner in the Stryker vehicle program, worth several billions of dollars spread over four years.

RTN signed the $1.30B Australian destroyer contract.

BA delivered 109 aircraft in September, in line with forecasts. The 787 may be delayed by a few weeks, which throws behind a very aggressive production schedule. There is a rumor that the 787 has a few safety concerns. This is viewed by most as payback from a terminated employee.

Jet Airways, of India, placed an order for twenty BA 737-800s.

As expected, US Air took the freebie and finalized a deal with Airbus for 92 aircraft worth $10b. Just what I need, more relatively uncomfortable aircraft to tolerate. With this purchase, they should be able to afford every dollar of the union's pay demands.

A Thales-led team with Boeing as a key player has been selected for the FRES system-of-systems integrator (SOSI) role, potentially worth billions.

All stocks mentioned in the previous Aero defense update remain on my recommended list.

Finally, THE BEST KEPT SECRET BEING IGNORED BY MAJOR MEDIA: WE ARE WINNING IN IRAQ, BIG TIME. Troops will be reduced as additional drone warplanes are deployed. Casualties will continue to decrease, the Iraqi government is stepping up to succeed, Iran is in the process of being neutralized (one way or the other), and this issue could be a non-issue during the latter stages of the 2008 campaign for the Democrats. This is why you are hearing more about domestic issues and taxes on the campaign trail. Once the average US citizen understands who is finding the far left Democratic agenda, and why, the Republicans, given their steady and thoughtful election tactics and programs, may actually have a shot at winning the White House in 2008 - unthinkable a few months ago.